Saturday, March 28, 2009


Hello! Sorry I havent posted in AAAAAAAAGES!!!

Just for you, to say sorry, I made a video!

It's a follow on from my previous video Kake.

So the series is about a stickman, and he buys stuff... Some of them work, some just end up as a disaster! Actually all of them work, but a disaster comes along with some!!

So here's the newest one... Its completely fresh! Only TWO people have seen it! Me and a family member...

Its called May-Ka-Pet.

Be sure to read the instructions at the beginning... You may need to pause it... Actually you will... So just watch!!!

Its only thirty seconds so... Woop!

To make that video, I used just under 50 pictures... I delete them straight after though so they dont clog up memory....

If you'd like me to post Kake, tell me!


Sooty is losing fur... Its normal incase you didnt know! Gaw, it gets everywhere! Grr. But he cant help it...

And he's allowed to go out again now! He couldnt go out before because of the rain and he has no shelter except the bush... And I know, when I got locked outside in a thunder storm, horrible time, that it leaks. Badly.

So... Umm... Thats it!


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